Textile effluent BEFORE and AFTER treatment - by Van Lang Company
The textile wastewater has very high concentration of Pt-Co Color, COD, BOD and Nitrogen.
The concentration of pollutants in wastewater differs from time to time and depends on each production stage. They are generated from stages such as sizing, desizing, boiling, dyeing and finishing.
The used technology must be able to treat pollutants but also meets the requirements of simple and uninterrupted operation, keeps the operation cost at the lowest but the stability and safety must be the highest!
Contact Van Lang Company for more information about textile wastewater treatment!
We are proud of over 21-years experience in wastewater, water supply treatment field,… of all sectors (Industry, textile, domestic, fisheries, paper, hospital, pharmacy, food, soft-drink,…)
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Van Lang Environmental Company specilizes in:
+ General Contractor EPC: Building treatment system of water, wastewater for INDUSTRIAL ZONE, TEXTILE FACTORY, PAPER FACTORY, SEAFOOD FACTORY …
+ Preparing EIA report, consulting environmental procedure.
+ Renovating system with reasonable price
+ Package deal of operating system service
+ Providing environmental mechanical equipment
Contact information:
Van Lang Industrial Wastewater Treatment and Environmental Consulting Co.,Ltd
+ Address: 1/1 Street 5, Ward 7, Go Vap District, HCMC (Head Office)
36 Tran Thai Tong Street, Dich Vong Hau Ward, Cau Giay District, Ha Noi (Branch Office)
+ Hotline: 0946 758 660 - Mr. Hieu
+ Fanpage: https://www.facebook.com/vlc.vn (Van Lang Environmental Company)
+ You tube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0AzgJssqlZu8m6k4o3iCAw (Van Lang Channel)
#VanLangEnvironmentalCompany; #IndustrialWastewaterTreatment; #TextileWastewaterTreatment;
#SeafoodProcessingWastewaterTreament; #PaperManufacturingWastewaterTreament; #GeneralContractor